You just graduated from college and you are ready to take the world by storm. Everybody is concerned with their future and getting further studies such as enrolling in a graduate school could take you places in your career. In some society, the number of units that you earned as a student can sometimes be a basis for employment for the reason that you possess above average knowledge than normal college graduates. Students are pressured to study for their entrance exams and undergo GRE Preparation to make them confident in taking the examination and go into in their chosen school.
What is GRE Preparation? GRE stands for Graduate Records Examination preparation designed to prepare and test students if they are fit to be enrolled in graduate schools. It is a commercially standardized test, meaning the questions and the manner of checking the exams are consistent. GRE Preparation is invented and directed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the scores are recognized in some schools in United States of America and other English-speaking countries. The exam is divided into four categories; critical thinking, verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills. These four parts are not designed to favour one area of study but it was formulated to test the basic information that a student must possess before entering a graduate school. Test takers pay $160 US dollars in taking GRE Preparation and it can be in a form of computerize-based examination or the old paper-based exams in some countries.
When undertaking GRE Preparation, you need to be familiar with the four parts of the general test. Critical thinking and analytical writing skills are combined into one exam, this is a test that will analyze your ability to process a situation using your knowledge that you learn in school and in your environment. You will need to process multifaceted ideas clearly. The second part, which is the verbal reasoning, is a way to test the ability of the examinee to understand written material through oral and analogical reasoning skills. The third part, the quantitative reasoning, focuses more about your knowledge in mathematics, such as algebra, arithmetic, and geometry and data analysis. According to ETS, they are planning to change the format in August 2011 with new test design, fresh set of questions and 50% off in savings.
If you register to ETS, GRE Preparation materials are given to you for free. This contains sample tests on how to answer the exam in four categories. For those who are not living in the United States, ETS is also providing free software to guide students on the basic things that you need to know about GRE. Aside from that, ETS is also selling test materials from previous examinations with answers and practice writing online, which are scored to judge your writing abilities.
What is GRE Preparation? GRE stands for Graduate Records Examination preparation designed to prepare and test students if they are fit to be enrolled in graduate schools. It is a commercially standardized test, meaning the questions and the manner of checking the exams are consistent. GRE Preparation is invented and directed by Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the scores are recognized in some schools in United States of America and other English-speaking countries. The exam is divided into four categories; critical thinking, verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing skills. These four parts are not designed to favour one area of study but it was formulated to test the basic information that a student must possess before entering a graduate school. Test takers pay $160 US dollars in taking GRE Preparation and it can be in a form of computerize-based examination or the old paper-based exams in some countries.
When undertaking GRE Preparation, you need to be familiar with the four parts of the general test. Critical thinking and analytical writing skills are combined into one exam, this is a test that will analyze your ability to process a situation using your knowledge that you learn in school and in your environment. You will need to process multifaceted ideas clearly. The second part, which is the verbal reasoning, is a way to test the ability of the examinee to understand written material through oral and analogical reasoning skills. The third part, the quantitative reasoning, focuses more about your knowledge in mathematics, such as algebra, arithmetic, and geometry and data analysis. According to ETS, they are planning to change the format in August 2011 with new test design, fresh set of questions and 50% off in savings.
If you register to ETS, GRE Preparation materials are given to you for free. This contains sample tests on how to answer the exam in four categories. For those who are not living in the United States, ETS is also providing free software to guide students on the basic things that you need to know about GRE. Aside from that, ETS is also selling test materials from previous examinations with answers and practice writing online, which are scored to judge your writing abilities.